THIS SUNDAY: Matthew 21:1-17
To prepare for this coming Lord's Day, read the following passages:
Matthew 21 (emphasis on 1-17)
*Zechariah 9:9-17
*Psalm 118:19-29
*Isaiah 56:7-12
*quoted in Matthew 21
While you read and pray through the above passages, ask these questions:
What is happening (big picture) as Jesus enters Jerusalem, makes his way to the temple, and then confronts what is happening there?
The Old Testament passages above will help you answer this.
What does this passage, Matthew 21:1-17, have to say about worship?
Sunday School:
Week 14 of Biblical Theology Class: Mission
What is Biblical Theology? Biblical theology is the discipline of learning how to read the Bible as one story by one divine author that culminates in the person and work of Christ, so that every part of Scripture is understood in relation to the eternal work of redemption.
What is Biblical Theology?
1. Defining the Topic Week 1
2. Guardian & Guide for the Church Week 2
3. Defining the Tools Week 3
The Stories to be Told: Biblical Theology Displayed
4. Kingdom Through Covenant Week 4-5
5. Eden to New Jerusalem Week 6-7
6. People of God Week 8-9
7. Sacrifice Week 10-11
8. Idolatry Week 12-13
9. Mission Week 14
Click on the hymn playlist below and fill your home and vehicle with hymns that beautifully portray the glory of Christ.

Seek daily communion with God through scripture reading, prayer, and singing. Click on the resources below.
*This Week's Hymns Playlist - YouTube
"I feel it is far better to begin with God—to see his face first, to get my soul near him before it is near another." - Robert Murray M'Cheyne